
LinkedIn Product Pages and LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn Product Pages, LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn Product Pages: More about LinkedIn Marketing

Many of you even not heard about the LinkedIn Product Pages. Don’t worry!!! That is something not related to your social media awareness. This LinkedIn product page has been recently launched (last year in December). The idea behind launching this feature is to create brand awareness for products and build a community around those products for verified and authentic information about the product. One can bring in social proof about such products by highlighting and marking customers’ ratings and reviews across LinkedIn. The LinkedIn product page is another valuable feather in LinkedIn Marketing. LinkedIn Marketing directs your reach to a much more professional set of audiences. This is highly beneficial for the Business to Business (B2B model).

In this section, we will learn about the LinkedIn Marketing and LinkedIn Product pages. The earlier part of this article will help you to understand LinkedIn Marketing whereas later you will learn about the LinkedIn product feature. We will also guide you process through which you can create your own product page on LinkedIn.

Why is LinkedIn Marketing important?

In one of the previous articles, we have already told you about LinkedIn Marketing and its importance. LinkedIn is undoubtedly the leader in generating more potential sales leads for businesses. This is because of the presence of very professional audiences over the platform. The LinkedIn platform was launched in 2003 with a vision of creating a well-defined platform for networking experts and professionals. This platform provided a space where professionals can tell about their work experience, profiles, achievements, and sell off their skills.

LinkedIn also helps companies in the process of hiring the best candidate for their businesses. The professional hereby not only tell about their working background and skills but also upload their CVs or resumes to grab a better job for them. The professionalism and high level of authenticity help the company to acquire talent quite easily. The personal interaction feature (message feature) provides an opportunity for professionals to connect with each other. The businesses professional likes executives and business owner actively participates in the online events and discussion related to their industry.

The brands on the LinkedIn Platform are advertising and marketing their products/service in an aggressive manner. These marketing driving features of LinkedIn increase the importance of the marketing and advertisement on the platform.

Features of LinkedIn Product Pages

LinkedIn Product Page invites its member to review the product listed here. The best about the review invitation is that LinkedIn asks for confirmation from the user whether they are a genuine customer or not. This confirmation of the genuineness of the product makes sure that no user will post a false review either to enhance or degrade the reviews of the products. The rating system of the product is on a scale from one to five. The review write-up section is up to 500 characters and LinkedIn asked you to write pros and cons about the product. This product page feature may ask you to choose the key strengths and benefits of the product in an optional step. The four options will come on your screen asking about the product. These options are: Easy to Use, Easy Setup, Innovation Features, and Good Support.

The genuine reviews given to the product are visible to every LinkedIn user and anyone can see the particular review with the name and profile of the reviewer. LinkedIn also invites users and reviewers to follow the product hash-tag to keep them updated with all posts about that particular product. Even the employee of the company can review its product and that will be visible to the public on LinkedIn. After achieving five reviews, the review aggregator will reflect the average review score on the product.

The users and members over the LinkedIn platform will be asked and invited to add the product as their skill on their personal profile. Currently, this feature is only available to B2B software companies. But it seems that it may be rolled out to other areas as well in near future. This product-based page is not meant for service-based businesses.

Looking for help is setting up LinkedIn Product Page? Call Fausta Technologies

Are you unable to set up a LinkedIn Product page? Or you are looking for the best digital marketing service in West Delhi, then you are in right place. Fausta Technologies is the most reputed and premier digital marketing agency in West Delhi. We have a team of highly experienced social media marketing experts. LinkedIn marketing is one of the premier services we are offering to our clients. Our LinkedIn marketing experts are working in a result-oriented way to provide the best service to our clients. More than 500 clients are enjoying our service of LinkedIn marketing. Whether you are an individual professional or business organization, our digital marketing service is serving all with ease.

Fausta will certainly, help you to achieve your business goals with their marketing approaches. In addition to your happiness, we are offering our services at very pocket-friendly prices. Our packages are the best and competitive in the industry. For more information about our services and packages, call us at +91-8743819256 or mail us at faustatechnologies@gmail.com.